
ShopCity: Latest Publisher To File Antitrust Complaint Against Google

Google Is Target of ShopCity Antitrust Complaint to FTC from Bloomberg News reports yet another FTC antitrust complaint was filed against Google. This time the complaint was filed by ShopCity, a service aimed at helping local businesses sell products online.

The complaint was filed on November 11th by Gary Reback, an antitrust lawyer at Carr & Ferrell LLP in Menlo Park, California, who wrote “From the day ShopCity launched its network, the upstart competitor faced the full measure of Google’s anticompetitive tactics.”

Google’s Adam Kovacevich told Bloomberg the reason ShopCity doesn’t rank well is because the “company was violating Google’s guidelines against duplicate and auto-generated content — which our users tell us they don’t like.” Adam added, “we twice offered the company advice on how to improve their websites.”

ShopCity said they did listen to Google’s advice but have yet to achieve higher rankings from implementing the tips Google offered. Gary Reback, ShopCity’s lawyer, said Google did increase their rankings in June after receiving the subpoena from the FTC but since then their rankings have both increased and decreased over the months. Maybe, just maybe, those had to do with the Panda update?

ShopCity is one of many companies suing Google for anticompetitive practices, many have similar complaints and most will lose in court.

Related Articles:
Live Blog: Google’s Eric Schmidt At The US Senate Hearing
Google, Yelp, Others To Appear At Antitrust Hearing Wednesday
Google Expects A Black Eye At Today’s Senate Antitrust Hearing
Google Wins Potentially Significant Antitrust Victory In Ohio
Do The Majority Of Americans Think Google Is Unfair?
EU Antitrust Complaints Against Google Grow To Nine
WSJ: Android, Along With Web Search, Now Part Of Google Antitrust Probe
Googleopoly: The Definitive Guide To Antitrust Investigations Against Google
Google Set For US Senate Committee Anti-Trust Investigation
Related Topics: Google: Antitrust | Google: Legal

About The Author: Barry Schwartz is Search Engine Land's News Editor and owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry's personal blog is named Cartoon Barry and he can be followed on Twitter here. For more background information on Barry, see his full bio over here. See more articles by Barry Schwartz


Google+ Pages: connect with all the things you care about

In life we connect with all kinds of people, places and things. There’s friends and family, of course, but there’s also the sports teams we root for, the coffee shops we’re loyal to, and the TV shows we can’t stop watching (to name a few).

So far Google+ has focused on connecting people with other people. But we want to make sure you can build relationships with all the things you care about—from local businesses to global brands—so today we’re rolling out Google+ Pages worldwide.

People + pages, better together
Google+ has always been a place for real-life sharing, and Google+ Pages is no exception. After all: behind every page (or storefront, or four-door sedan) is a passionate group of individuals, and we think you should able to connect with them too.

For you and me, this means we can now hang out live with the local bike shop, or discuss our wardrobe with a favorite clothing line, or follow a band on tour. Google+ pages give life to everything we find in the real world. And by adding them to circles, we can create lasting bonds with the pages (and people) that matter most.

For businesses and brands, Google+ pages help you connect with the customers and fans who love you. Not only can they recommend you with a +1, or add you to a circle to listen long-term. They can actually spend time with your team, face-to-face-to-face. All you need to do is start sharing, and you'll soon find the super fans and loyal customers that want to say hello.

A number of pages are already available (see below), but any organization will soon be able to join the community at plus.google.com/pages/create.

Direct Connect from Google search
People search on Google billions of times a day, and very often, they're looking for businesses and brands. Today's launch of Google+ Pages can help people transform their queries into meaningful connections, so we're rolling out two ways to add pages to circles from Google search. The first is by including Google+ pages in search results, and the second is a new feature called Direct Connect.

Maybe you're watching a movie trailer, or you just heard that your favorite band is coming to town. In both cases you want to connect with them right now, and Direct Connect makes it easy—even automatic. Just go to Google and search for [+], followed by the page you're interested in (like +Angry Birds). We'll take you to their Google+ page, and if you want, we’ll add them to your circles.

Direct Connect works for a limited number of pages today (like +Google, +Pepsi, and +Toyota), but many more are coming. In the meantime, organizations can learn more about Direct Connect in our Help Center.

With Google+, we strive to bring the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to software. Today’s initial launch of Google+ Pages brings us a little bit closer, but we’ve still got lots of improvements planned, and miles to go before we sleep. So stay tuned.

Source: Google Blog


How To Find Local Influencers On Google Plus

Google has been making a big deal out of privacy lately, but Google+ just launched a slew of new features designed to make people easier to find.

I am particularly intrigued by the new Ripples feature, which allows you to see who has shared a post and track it as it gets shared by others. It is, in fact, like watching a ripple.

Ripples strikes me as much more of a feature for marketers than for consumers. I suppose Google+ wants to attract power users who typically have more of a marketing mindset than the average Joe.

So of course the first thing I thought of was that Ripples would be an excellent tool to find local influencers on Google Plus. Here’s how:

(Warning: The techniques described below are merely for educational purposes. I take no responsibility for the potential spam and privacy issues Google has unleashed here.)

1. First Find Google+ Users In Your Target Location

I am sure Google+ will eventually have some nifty ways for you to find people near you who share similar interests, but let’s say you wanted to find those people today. Perhaps you want to engage with them about subjects you share in common.

Maybe you’re a vegan restaurant in the Bay Area and you want to build a network of local vegans to share recipes with and perhaps at some point get them to promote your restaurant. Well there’s an app for that — a search app that is, called Google.

Go to Google and do the following search:

This query shows you URLs of Google+ members who use the word “vegan” and whose profiles show that they live in the Bay Area. Depending on the query, you may need to play around with this a bit by adding additional filters. For example, if you were looking for people in Brooklyn but didn’t want to find people named “Brooklyn,” you would add “-intitle:Brooklyn”.

Here are the top results of my Bay Area vegan query:

2. Find People Who Are Interested In What You Have To Say

Google gave 2,740 results for this query, which means that you now can find several hundred people who might be interested in your vegan vittles. You could click on each of their profiles and figure out which ones seem interesting and willing to engage, but first:

3. Find The Most Active/Influential Ones

Go back to Google and do the following query:

This query, in theory, will show you all of the posts for a particular member — in this case, me. As you can see, I have made 191 posts thus far (nothing about vegans, though):

If you want to see if the person has been active recently, click on the “Show Search Tools” link at the bottom of the left-hand navigation on the Google SERP:

Set the filter to “Past 24 hours” or “Past week” or a custom range to see how active the person is.

Once you have found the right people, it’s time to check out some Google+ Ripple action. Review the posts by the member that contain the keyword you are interested in by doing the following query in Google Plus:

When you have found a post that looks relevant to your subject click on the “View Ripples” link on the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner of the post:

Now, you can see who else has shared this post:

This data shows you how influential the person is, how popular the post is and who else is interested in the subject. By examining this data for each member, you can start to figure out who is most influential about your subject matter in your area.

Once you have built the list, then it’s up to you to figure out how to engage with them in a way that will be mutually beneficial and help get your message out.

Now it goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyhow: These techniques are only valuable if you can convince people to invest their attention in you.

And there are no magic queries in Google that can do that for you.

Opinions expressed in the article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land.

Related Topics: Google: Social Search | Locals Only

About The Author: is the proprietor of Local SEO Guide, a local search engine optimization consulting company specializing in yellow pages seo and local directory search—the blog is pretty fabulous too.


Google Hides Search Referral Data with New SSL Implementation - Emergency Whiteboard Friday

On Tuesday, Google announced that signed-in users will, by default, be routed to the SSL version of Google (https://www.google.com). Before Tuesday, most users used non-SSL Google for their searches. Now, according to Google, "...a web site accessed through organic search results on http://www.google.com (non-SSL) can see both that the user came from google.com and their search query... However, for organic search results on SSL search, a web site will only know that the user came from google.com." The effects were obvious immediately. Here's a screenshot of our GA account showing the quantity of "(not provided)" keywords going up from Sunday to today:

Google Analytics (not provided) visitors

Clearly, the inbound marketing community isn't thrilled. Take Ian Lurie of Portent, for example: he declared war with Google outright. Having a bunch of "(not provided)" referral keywords in Google Analytics is definitely not pretty. Fortunately, as Avinash Kaushik explains in this Google+ post, there's something you can do to at least gauge the effects on your analytics, and as Rand will explain, the effects aren't as devastating for most users as they could be. Yet.

In this emergency Whiteboard Friday, Rand will go over the changes Google has made, why it happened (and why it really might have happened), and what you can do to stay calm and fight back. Let us know how this change has affected your sites in the comments below!


Just Keep Going

I am really overwhelmed to read Rand's Story of success; so without any fear of Google Panda I did simply COPY & PASTE the entire content for my blog....
It's a Original Story of Struggle of Rand Fishkins

"In 1997 I was just graduating from high school and started to design small business websites using Microsoft Frontpage and a variety of amateurish HTML hacks. In 2001, I dropped out of college, two classes away from graduating to work full time at a tiny web consulting business with
my Mom. That didn’t go very well.

Approx. debt load from credit cards, personal loans, lines of credit, etc.

From 2001-2003, we took out nearly $150,000 in loans, mostly from credit cards and a few equipment lenders, ostensibly to help “grow the business.” Instead, it made us foolish investors in low ROI projects, contractors, office space and a variety of too-good-to-be-true salespeople.

By 2004, we could no longer pay the minimum dues on our bill and our debt skyrocketed. Credit cards with $30,000 limits quickly ballooned to $75,000 in “total owed,” thanks to nasty penalties + fees. After 4 years of attempting to make our consultancy work, the only logical move was to quit.

But, of course, we didn’t do that.

I’d love to say that we had simply believed so strongly in our own ability to make it work that we kept going, but that’s a lie. The reason we didn’t declare bankruptcy, suffer 7 years of bad credit scores and try something else is simple; we’d never told my Dad we were in debt.

Instead of nobly fighting on against increasing despair-filled odds, we were actually just working to cover up a lie of omission, and one that might have had disastrous consequences for our family. The weird part is that it worked.

From 2004-2007, we shifted from building small websites (and spending a fortune on outsourced contractors, non-pay-upfront projects, expensive office space and the interest on our debt) to growing a small SEO consultancy based on the notoriety of our blog. That shift helped us earn press, paying clients and a renewed sense of purpose. By the middle of 2007, we were debt-free (not by paying them off completely, but by settling with each lender for between 10-30% of the total sum owed – be forewarned, this screws your credit history for even longer than 7 years). At the end of 2007, we raised a small round of venture capital for our nascent software business and the rest is history.

These past few weeks, the software business that sprouted from the seeds of our near-destruction had its first ever $10mm+ run-rate month. We had our backs to the wall with no other way out, and eventually, it paid off.

Two recent articles highlighted the value of tenacity in achieving great things in the startup world. The first, on Reid Hoffman at LinkedIn, details the not-so-sexy, but ultimately remarkably rewarding story of a decade-long struggle to make the professional social network into something great.

The second is on Octopart, a Y-Combinator backed venture that “hung in there.”


I don’t mean to suggest that the key to every business is blindly pushing ahead even when failure seems certain. But I would say, as someone who’s been down a deep, ugly fiscal hole with their company, that refusing to quit brings a strange and special power.

In my opinion, it’s impossible to build that into a business at a later stage. Founders either have some internal or external motivator driving them to succeed in the face of any odds, or they don’t. Being devoid of that motivator won’t necessarily result in failure – in fact, I know plenty of entrepreneurs who’ve given up on project (or company) A, B and C only to have a breakout hit with D. But I do see something special in those whose tenacity makes them unable to give up. Folks like Dave Schappell of Teachstreet, Don Charlton of theResumator, Will + Duncan from Distilled, Dave Snyder from Blueglass and Chris Savage of Wistia (along with many more I’ve met) embody this quality.

I wish, in my case, that it was solely intrinsic passion, but in the end, I’m just amazed and thankful that we found a way. "


A New Google+ Release in App Store

Good news for those of you have been experiencing Chinese, Japanese, and Korean keyboard issues on iOS. A new Google+ release is now available in the app store ( which should resolve those issues, as well as other keyboard related issues reported last week:http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google/id447119634?mt=8

Keep in mind that it may take time before it rolls out everywhere.

Release notes can be found here:http://www.google.com/support/mobile/bin/answer.py?answer=1620754

Please continue to send us your feedback!

Release notes:
Fixes for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean keyboard issues
Re-enable autocomplete when composing a post

Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Google+ on the App Store. Download Google+ and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Source:Anish Acharya  -  8:56 AM

Google Science Fair Winners

Great paper by Naomi detailing bad air quality and asthma wins Google Science Fair. Turns out particulate 
matter and volatile organics are bad.
home | naomibetterairbetterlife

President Obama congratulates Google Science Fair winners, from left, Naomi Shah, Shree Bose, and Lauren Hodge in the Oval Office, Oct. 3, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Source:Larry Page  -  11:13 AM


Google Algorithm 2011 Updates

516 Algo Updates - September 21, 2011

This wasn't an update, but it was an amazing revelation. Google CEO Eric Schmidt told Congress that Google made 516 updates in 2010. The real shocker? They tested over 13,000 updates.

Eric Schmidt's Congressional Testimony (SEL)

Pagination Elements - September 15, 2011

To help fix crawl and duplication problems created by pagination, Google introduced the rel="next" and rel="prev" link attributes. Google also announced that they had improved automatic consolidation and canonicalization for "View All" pages.

Pagination with rel=“next” and rel=“prev” (Google)

Google Provides New Options for Paginated Content (SEL)

Expanded Sitelinks - August 16, 2011

After experimenting for a while, Google officially rolled out expanded site-links, most often for brand queries. At first, these were 12-packs, but Google appeared to limit the expanded site-links to 6 shortly after the roll-out.

The evolution of sitelinks: expanded and improved (Google)

Official: Google Sitelinks Expands To 12 Pack (SEL)

Panda Goes Global - August 12, 2011

Google rolled Panda out internationally, both for English-language queries globally and non-English queries except for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Google reported that this impacted 6-9% of queries in affected countries.

High-quality sites algorithm launched in additional languages (Google)

Google’s Panda Update Launches Internationally in Most Languages (SEL)

Panda 2.3 - July 23, 2011

Webmaster chatter suggested that Google rolled out yet another update. It was unclear whether new factors were introduced, or this was simply an update to the Panda data and ranking factors.

Official: Google Panda 2.3 Update Is Live (SEL)

A Holistic Look at Panda with Vanessa Fox (Stone Temple)

Google+ - June 28, 2011

After a number of social media failures, Google launched a serious attack on Facebook with Google+. Google+ revolved around circles for sharing content, and was tightly integrated into products like Gmail. Early adopters were quick to jump on board, and within 2 weeks Google+ reached 10M users.

Introducing the Google+ project: Real-life sharing, rethought for the web (Google)

Larry Page On Google+: Over 10 Million Users, 1 Billion Items Being Shared Per Day (TechCrunch)

Panda 2.2 - June 21, 2011

Google continued to update Panda-impacted sites and data, and version 2.2 was officially acknowledged. Panda updates occurred separately from the main index and not in real-time, reminiscent of early Google Dance updates.

Official: Google Panda Update 2.2 Is Live (SEL)

Why Google Panda Is More A Ranking Factor Than Algorithm Update (SEL)

Schema.org - June 2, 2011

Google, Yahoo and Microsoft jointly announced support for a consolidated approach to structured data. They also created a number of new "schemas", in an apparent bid to move toward even richer search results.

Google, Bing & Yahoo Unite To Make Search Listings Richer Through Structured Data (SEL) What is Schema.org? (Schema.org)

Panda 2.1 - May 9, 2011

Initially dubbed “Panda 3.0”, Google appeared to roll out yet another round of changes. These changes weren’t discussed in detail by Google and seemed to be relatively minor.

It’s Panda Update 2.1, Not Panda 3.0, Google Says (SEL)

Google Panda 3.0 (SERoundtable)

Panda 2.0 - April 11, 2011

Google rolled out the Panda update to all English queries worldwide (not limited to English-speaking countries). New signals were also integrated, including data about sites users blocked via the SERPs directly or the Chrome browser.

High-quality sites algorithm goes global, incorporates user feedback (Google)

Panda 2.0: Google Rolls Out Panda Update Internationally & Incorporates Searcher Blocking Data (SEL)

The +1 Button - March 30, 2011

Responding to competition by major social sites, including Facebook and Twitter, Google launched the +1 button (directly next to results links). Clicking [+1] allowed users to influence search results within their social circle, across both organic and paid results.

Recommendations when you want them (Google)

Meet +1: Google's Answer To The Facebook Like Button (SEL)

Panda/Farmer - February 23, 2011

A major algorithm update hit sites hard, affecting up to 12% of search results (a number that came directly from Google). Panda seemed to crack down on thin content, content farms, sites with high ad-to-content ratios, and a number of other quality issues. Panda rolled out over at least a couple of months, hitting Europe in April 2011.

The 'Panda' That Hates Farms: A Q&A With Google's Top Search Engineers (Wired)

Google's Farmer/Panda Update: Analysis of Winners vs. Losers (SEOmoz)

Attribution Update - January 28, 2011

In response to high-profile spam cases, Google rolled out an update to help better sort out content attribution and stop scrapers. According to Matt Cutts, this affected about 2% of queries. It was a clear precursor to the Panda updates.

Algorithm Change Launched (Matt Cutts)

Latest Google Algorithm change (Search News Central)

Overstock.com Penalty - January 2011

In a rare turn of events, a public outing of shady SEO practices by Overstock.com resulted in a very public Google penalty. JCPenney was hit with a penalty in February for similar bad behavior. Both situations represented a shift in Google's attitude and foreshadowed the Panda update.

Google Penalizes Overstock for Search Tactics (WSJ)

Overstock.com's Google Rankings - Too Good? (WMW)


Internet Retailing Summit 2011

Hello readers, It's my last post before the weekend, but I would like to share one of our most successful events with you, The Internet Retailer Conference at Chartered Accountants House; Ireland on the 29th September

eCeltic Pvt Ltd has taken a part of that event with a Advanced SEO Techniques.
Here I have shared few snap shorts of that event.

Fig: 1

"Brian Martin" ,(Business Development Manager)has given the presentation on behalf of eCeltic


Fig: 3

Fig: 4



Learning from Failure

Hey.. Today i have learnt a good lesson!! Our all PC's are suddenly taken holiday leave, because they have meet with their stranger friend "VIRUS". ....:)

Guys, i have prepared my figures to write something for you but after a whole day pressure i have just ruined.I will be back within next 2 days with new sizzling topics of Conversion planning.

Happy Weekends..Bye


Whiteboard Interview - Google's Matt Cutts on Redirects, Trust + More

We've got a very special bonus video for you today. Our buddy-and the Googliest spam cop to ever walk the webz - Matt Cutts stopped by to do a quick interview in front of ye olde whiteboard. Watch in wonder and amazement as Rand and Matt discuss headers, status codes, how much of the web is worth indexing, porn, redirect chains, URL structures, geo targeting, leaking link juice, and amateur beekeeping!

Before you get all cynical on me and assume all you'll hear in this interview is, "design content for users, not for engines," give it a chance. Matt only brings up his trademark catchphrase once in the whole ~20 minute interview, and he is exceedingly candid and forthcoming throughout. I promise you're gonna walk away from this knowing some things about Google you didn't know before. If you don't, I'll stand on my head. Maybe. Not really. BUT I won't have to because you're going to be all super-smart and educated by the end of the video. So put on your learning pants and hit play, you uppity whipper-snapper, or, if you're like Steve Jobs and are incompatible with Flash video, read the recap below...

If you need a refresher or you're scared of moving images and prefer the company of fluffy, harmless typing, here's a little recap of what Matt and Rand discussed.

Should Webmasters Use the 'If Modified Since' Header?

The 'If Modified Since' header can be used to manually indicate to Google whether or not you've made changes to content on the page. According to Matt, they started supporting it in 2003 when bandwidth was a big issue, but nowadays, it's not very important. That said, he still advises it as a good standard practice, but also notes that it won't necessarily help you get crawled faster.

Should Webmasters Use 503 Status Codes for Downtime?

503s can help avoid getting a page that's under construction or experiencing problems crawled and indexed, which can be a big problem especially for large, popular sites (watch the video for Rand's example of Disney running into this issue). Matt advocates using 503s in this case. You can't specify when you'd like Google to re-crawl, but they will come back and won't index the maintenance content of the page.

Does the Number of Outbound Links from a Page Affect PageRank?

For instance, to conserve "link juice" and/or funnel it more discretely, does it matter whether I have three outbound links versus two? In the original PageRank formula, yes, juice flowed out in a simple formula of Passable PR divided by number of outbound links. But nowadays, Matt says it is a much more cyclical, iterative analysis and, "it really doesn't make as much difference as people suspect." There's no need to hoarde all of your link juice on your page and, in fact, there may be benefit to generously linking out (not the least of which is the link-building power of good will).

If Google's seen a Trillion URLs, How Many Do They Pay Attention To?

Since Google crawls in PageRank order, they see the "best" stuff first and avoid a lot of the serious crap. The biggest issue is discovering duplicate or previously banned content. Matt said that about 28% of what they see is duplicate. He also made the careful distinction between "quality" content and "popular" content, further illustrating that traffic isn't a significant ranking factor: "PR does not reflect popularity in the sense that porn is very popular, but nobody links to porn...(those sites) don't have the PageRank you'd expect if you went by usage."

Is a Trailing / Important in URL Structure?

Seems like a minor thing right? Do you use url.com/folder of url.com/folder/ in your URL structure? Matt says he would slightly advocate for using a trailing slash simply because it clearly indicates that a URL is a folder and not a document. That said, Google is quite good at differentiating so it's not a huge deal.

Does Google Crawl from Multiple Geopgraphic Locations?

Should I be displaying geo-specific content based on user IP? It's a very popular question among SEOs dealing with international sites and users; but how does it affect what Google sees and what shows up in the SERPs?

Matt confirmed that, "Google basically crawls from one IP address range worldwide because (they) have one index worldwide. (They) don't build different indices, one for each country."

This means it's very important to avoid showing significantly different content to users from different countries. As Matt says, "The problem is if you're showing different content-like French content to French IPs-Googlebot may not see that."

Thus, you want to be sure to send everyone to the same content initially and allow them to navigate to geo-specific areas of your site. While Google has gotten better at submitting dropdowns, working with JavaScript, etc., it is still strongly advised that you provide this geo-targeted navigation via static links.

Is It a Bad Idea to Chain Redirects (e.g. 301-->301-->301)?

"It is, yeah."

Matt was very clear that Google can and usually will deal with one or two redirects in a series, but three is pushing it and anything beyond that probably won't be followed. He also reiterated that 302s should only be used for temporary redirects...but you already knew that, right?

What's with the Bees?

It's true, there are bees in Mountain view. A rash of amateur apiculture has sprung up on the Google campus and a few members of the Web Spam Team have caught stinger fever (though not Matt, he prefers cats). Apparently they've ven gone so far as to color all of the hives in the apiary in Google's traditional primary colors...what a bunch of geeks :P

Well, that was a whole pile of great stuff we were able to get out of Mr. Cutts (and we didn't even have to ply him with booze)! Now, go venture forth and use your new nuggets of searchy goodness to clobber your competitors.

Another huge thanks to Matt for taking the time to answer our questions so thoughtfully!


Rand Fishkin Dishes on Google

Today's article from seo.com
Rand Fishkin, CEO of Seattle-based SEOmoz.org, was in Salt Lake City on this summer’s Family MozCation tour. In between sipping Corona, signing autographs and posing in pictures with Utah fans, Fishkin spoke with SEO.com about, among other things, his relationship with Google Spam Czar Matt Cutts.

Fishkin’s company is a leading provider of search engine optimization software and his efforts to get websites to rank in Google have compelled Fishkin to delve deeply into why some sites show up No. 1 as others don’t even make it into the top 100 search results.

Shown on the right, Rand Fishkin spoke with SEO.com this week in a one-on-one interview at MozCation in Salt Lake City. Fishkin talked about his relationship with Google Spam Czar Matt Cutts, left.

Utah is the only spot in North America that SEOmoz will visit during MozCation. Next Fishkin is off to Brazil, Peru and Spain.

SEO.com: Do you and Cutts have a pretty interesting relationship?

Fishkin: “Interesting” is a very good adjective to describe it. He is a good guy, but … I want to be very transparent and open.”

SEO.com: Will you characterize your interaction with Google since starting your career in SEO?

Fishkin: Early in my career I struggled for a long time to figure out how Google ranked pages and why some things ranked and some things didn’t … It’s frustrating to those in the (SEO) industry and it’s frustrating to me too.

The reason that I am frustrated with them is that I don’t feel there is a conflict. We’re on the same team as Google. I’ll use a football analogy; Google is a quarterback refusing to use us — all its great receivers. Throw the ball and let people like us move it forward for you.

SEO.com: How does Google view SEO companies?

Fishkin: My bias would be that I think Google views the situation more risky than it really is … So they operate from a perspective of fear.

SEO.com: What’s your major beef with the search giant?

Fishkin: They’re not transparent. We’re very open, and if Google would go that one step to be much more transparent they would earn a lot of people’s trust and they would earn a lot of forgiveness when they screw up.

SEO.com: When has Google “screwed up” in the past?

Fishkin: Google spam is a huge problem.

SEO.com: How is SEOmoz more open with information than Google?

Fishkin: There is not very much that we would not make public. Clearly, transparency has been really good for us. I’ll tell you our revenue, the number of users who have a pro account. I’ll tell you the sources I am pursuing for venture capital financing.

And that’s exactly what I would do with all the results I care about.


Amazing Facebook Scam :)

As I have written about before, scams are proliferati

There is now a scam going around that has landed as a status update post on the Facebook pages of many Kennedy School students and actually caught a number of them. It invites you to link to a site that will take your picture and show you, by computer transformation, what you will look like when you are old. The post shows a picture of a gnarled old guy.ng on Facebook, and it is scary that a number of them are really well done -- not like the opportunities to work with Nigerian "government officials" that everyone deletes in a nanosecond, or even the obvious ones with status updates from Facebook friends that ask you to click on a picture of an attractive woman stripping or something.

Based on Facebook chats I've seen since these phony status updates began proliferating a few days ago, a number of students have actually clicked through to the scam site. Many people who
had their accounts hijacked to send out the phony update have posted warnings on Facebook urging friends not to click through. A number of students who fell for the scam or came close wrote that, for a lot of young people, the idea of seeing a computer image of yourself as an old person is very intriguing. This is what makes this scam so dangerous -- it displays good knowledge of human psychology.

I also saw a post from an Israeli student at the Kennedy School who is interested in cybersecurity, noting that anybody who clicked through might end up with their computer used as a botnet to engage in an attack to bring down the Ukrainian banking system -- and urging classmates to "like" the Kennedy School Cyber Security Caucus page on Facebook, which she promised would provide useful information on avoiding cyber problems.

One additional troubling feature of this scam is that I only saw it on status updates from students on Facebook. People like me don't need to see a computer image of what we will look like when we get older -- we only need to look in the mirror. This suggests at least that the scammer can screen the Facebook account by birth year, which many people make available on their Facebook pages -- implying that the scammers have massive access to Facebook account information.

Anybody else see this scam? Any older Facebook members have their accounts hijacked with this scam, or only younger ones?


Miracle in Social Media Psychology

Why user psychology?
  • Social media are user-centric and facilitate social practices
  • It is not what the social media site or platform does, bu
  • t what the user sees, feels, thinks, and anticipates, that matters most
  • User experience is effectively the social media company’s brand, identity, product, and service
  • A social media site’s ability to captivate, keep, and sustain user attention, and so serve its business needs, hangs on the user’s own sense of his or her participation.
Social Media Realities

Users are people

  • People perceive
  • People think
  • People feel
  • People act
  • People react
  • People expect and anticipate
  • People communicate
  • People relate
  • People desire
  • People acknowledge

Social Media Realities
  • Non - interactive media do not involve the user in their production
  • Movies “suspend disbelief” and create a reality through sense-perceptions, out of moving pictures and sound (immersion, action, surprise, suspense, replacing thought with immediacy)
  • Books captivate the reader’s imagination and allow him or her to build a reality through mental experience (fantasy, projection, logic, reasons and abstractions, distance)
  • Music holds the listener’s attention in time, unfolding in the foreground or background, and has special impact when it is recognizable and familiar (recognition, memory, and recollection, “being there again”)
Production of Social Objects

Successful Social Media

  • Leverage common media narratives and forms, to make content available to users for their own references and purposes
  • These forms are social: they communicate and can be used to communicate, represent, identify, signify and so on
  • Users bring media to life, media bring users to life
  • Social media construct realities their users help to produce
  • Users can believe in the reality of these social objects, and their significance to other usersand can become interested in the objects or in their owners and creators
  • Because social media depend on users to provide content as a byproduct of acting, doing, talking, sharing, asking, answering, and navigating, how they structure the user experience = user engagement
  • Engaged users will participate, and their participation creates value: content, communication, profiles, connections, preferences and tastes, and so on
  • Engaged users participate because they want to, are compelled to, interested to, in short, motivated to participate
  • Users will put into a site, and expect from it, according to how it structures social interactions, objects, information: its World

Social Media Experiences

  • Social media are the productions of their users
  • Social media engage the mental, emotional, psychological, and relational interests of their users.
  • Users see, feel, and act:
  • User Perceptions: create a visible and believable world
  • User Affects: engage the feelings and motivations of users
  • User Engagement: provide a means to relate feelings to acts and action
  • User Satisfaction: satisfy complex user interests through social experience
User Perceptions

  • Social media create or construct a social reality
  • Users:
  • see themselves in it
  • see others in it
  • see what they and others do in it, the results of their actions
  • see what their activities are about
  • see social scenes, and themselves as participants
  • see themselves being seen
User Affects

  • Users have affects, or feelings, moods, dispositions, attitudes, which are experienced “alone.” Because we are social beings, we experience affects even when interactions are mediated.
  • Users experience affects:
  • such as inclinations, tendencies, interests, desires
  • curiosities, surprise, excitement, humor, comedy
  • trepidation, anxiety, hesitation, doubt
  • concern, caring, touch, recognition

Capturing Interest

  • Social media realities engage user interests, to varying degrees, and in various modes, according to the activity and social practice they facilitate
  • This means not just making something interesting, but captivating the user’s own interests
  • Furthermore, users come to a social media site or service with their own interests already
  • A well-structured social media brand permits the user to see into it, to involve him or herself, to become interested in others, and to take pleasure in their own involvement
  • A social media site succeeds when its users invest in it as they would in any social practice, which means that its technology, features, functionality, and design become transparent
  • The user’s interests are his or her motivation
  • User has interests:
  • in him or herself
  • in his or her appearance to others
  • in others
  • in their actual or potential relationship to him/her